Critical Writing in Art & Design
Website Producer
“With devastating brevity we mourn the loss of seven men to the ‘great oceanic nothingness’ unsettled by storms.”
“Ice in rap has a long, stirred-up history. The Inuit have five hundred words for it, and rappers at least double; “ice” is demeanour, drugs, diamonds, death, and none of the above, in any number of combinations.”
“Which is not to say a gap is just a distance, but can be a difference in things. White walls and a polished concrete floor, for example. Only the architects have further inserted a silhouette on these planes; so-called the ‘shadow gap’, it runs along the bottom of each wall forming a perfect recess barely an inch off the ground and not much further back. ”
While I was a postgraduate student at the Royal College of Art, I conceived and produced a website for the Critical Writing in Art & Design MA course (, site no longer active, most recent capture by 13-Jan-2016). The site was intended to host writing and projects by current students. It was designed by Afonso Martins using a radically text-based design. Wordpress was selected by Afonso as a framework due to its familiarity for site editors – current and future students – and the site remained the primary point of publication for this course until RCA terminated this course and replaced it with ‘Writing’ at which point the site was retired.
Screenshot of homepage in 2016